The stock plastic clutch housing air inlet tubes act like megaphones and the noise from the clutch area echoes up the tubes and exits right behind the cab. Out new clutch intake kit has stainless steel braided, high-temp resistant rubber hoses that helps absorb the noise, and we re-route them in a manner than moves the inlets far away from the cab of the machine. Includes hoses, tube adapter, clamps, and water resistant pre-filters.
– Sound level reduction at shoulder level in the cab with the Clutch Intake Kit and stock PTO shaft-
1500 RPM:-2dB or 21% reduction
2500 RPM: -4dB or 37% reduction
4500 RPM:-2dB or 21% reduction (wind noise has an effect on the dB meter at this speed)
– Clutch Intake Kit Combined with New Speedwerx PTO Output Shaft-
1500 RPM: -5dB or 44% reduction
2500 RPM: -6dB or 50 % reduction
4500 RPM: -2 dB or 21% reduction (wind noise has an effect at this speed)
NOTE:Sound Pressure Level as measured on an Electronic Decibel Meter is not a linear scale- 6db lower represents a 50% reduction in the sound pressure level. Likewise, a 6dB increase represents a 100% increase or doubling of the sound pressure level.
Our own ears perceive sound differently than an electronic decibel meter- in addition to the objective factor of sound pressure level as measured on a dB meter, subjective factors like the frequency or pitch, and duration or time of exposure to the sounds are part of what affect our perception of loudness. The number differences recorded on the dB meter may not look like a big change if you think in terms of a linear scale, and video recorded on a GoPro and played back on poor quality speakers on your phone or computer cannot accurately reproduce what you hear with your own ears, but in the video you can definitely hear a some of the change that makes it much more pleasant sounding in the cab with the new output shaft installed, and the hoses help reduce the overall sound level even further. The dB meter starts to pick up wind noise at the 10-12mph speeds seen around 4500rpm but it cannot sense the same changes in frequency or pitch that your ears can- its more easily heard in the GoPro videos at the slow crawling speeds where we also observe the larger differences on the dB meter, but there is still benefits to having these parts installed at higher speeds and RPMs.
Arctic Cat Wildcat XX
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